Keith Rohman will join Susan Arduengo, Esq. of Arduengo Investigation sand Arti L. Bhimani, Esq. of Axis Workplace Investigations to present “The Do’s and Don’ts of Conducing a Workplace Investigation” at the LACBA Labor & Employment Saturday Seminar on May 4, 2024 at 9 am in downtown Los Angeles.
Podcast: Integrity & Investigations with Keith Rohman
This episode provides an in-depth look at the intricate world of legal investigations, the evolution of the field, and the personal journey of one of its most respected figures. Keith Rohman’s insights offer valuable lessons on the significance of seeking truth and the impact of dedicated investigative work on the legal landscape.
Nora Rohman Presented at LACBA Labor & Employment Symposium
Public Interest Investigations, Inc. had a fantastic time this week at the California Public Employers Labor Relations Association’s (CALPELRA) 2023 Conference.
Keith Rohman and Nora Rohman Presented at California Public Employers Labor Relations Association’s (CALPELRA) 2023 Conference
PII’s Keith Rohman and Nora Rohman will be presenting at the California Public Employers Labor Relations Association’s (CALPELRA) 2023 Conference, which takes place November 14–17 in Monterey, CA.
PII’s Miles Grillo Named “Volunteer of the Year” at Association of Workplace Investigators (AWI) 2023 Annual Conference
We are pleased to announce that at this year’s AWI Annual Conference, Investigator Miles Grillo of PII was co-honored with the AWI achievement award, “Volunteer of the Year.”