
Keith Rohman Presenting “Workplaces and Campuses – the New(ish) Field of Neutral Investigations”

Keith Rohman will present “Workplaces and Campuses – the New(ish) Field of Neutral Investigations” at the California Association of Licensed Investigators 55th Annual Conference in Palm Springs on October 17-19, 2024.

Over the last twenty years, a new type of work has emerged as an adjunct to traditional private investigation: Neutral third-party investigations of workplace and campus issues which arise in response to discrimination and harassment claims. The “Me-too” movement added to this, but neutral investigations are happening in other areas of corporate and public sector misconduct as well. While some private investigators are involved in this work, lawyers and law firms are making a business out of it.

As an experienced workplace and campus investigator, Keith will provide an overview of this evolving field, its components, the qualifications needed, and resources for learning how to deliver this work effectively. The training will also cover trauma-informed interview techniques, skillsets often helpful in this context.

Click here to learn more and register.