
Keith Rohman Presenting “Criminal and Civil- Non-Equity Workplace Investigations”

Keith Rohman will join Roberta Yang of the Law Office of Roberta M. Yang, P.C. to present “The Criminal and the Civil- Non-Equity Workplace Investigations” at the 2024 AWI Annual Conference in San Diego on September 26-27, 2024. Public Interest Investigations is proud to be the Event Sponsor for the conference.

The training will help workplace investigators understand how they may know more than they may think, and how to apply the AWI Guiding Principles for effective fact-finding in this challenging area.

The panelists will present actions for investigators to follow when workplace misconduct may be a potential crime, or when an equity investigation exposes criminal activity. Such allegations may include bribery, kickbacks, accounting and payroll fraud, theft of products or supplies, conflicts of interest in contracting, public corruption, false crime reports, acts or threats of violence, and even office break-ins.

Using examples from real-world investigations, this presentation will address: evaluating these cases, deciding whether to call in law enforcement, drafting an investigative plan, and modifying interview approaches to fit the facts.

Roberta and Keith have deep backgrounds in workplace, criminal, and human rights investigations.

Click here to learn more and register.