

Public Interest Investigations, Inc. had a fantastic time this week at the California Public Employers Labor Relations Association’s (CALPELRA) 2023 Conference.

PII’s Nora Rohman presented on “Gender Identity and Misgendering: Conducting Effective Investigations of Complaints Involving Gender Identity, Misgendering, and Deadnaming,” and Keith Rohman presented alongside Jorge Luna and Gabriel Sandoval (both of Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Ruud & Romo) on “Bullying Investigations: Finding Our Way in Uncharted Territory.”

In addition to these sessions, PII saw many friends and colleagues at the networking mixer we co-sponsored along with the Association of Workplace Investigators, Inc. The conversations were fruitful, and the desserts delicious. Thank you to all who attended. Pictured here are colleagues and friends Megan Miller (Law Offices of Megan Amanda Miller), Susan Woolley (Law Office of Susan Woolley), Jorge Luna and Gabriel Sandoval (both of Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Ruud & Romo).